Neutrality of Dragonmarked Houses in the Last War – Kristian

Gil asks:

What is the expectation of a dragonmarked house and/or a nation from a dragonmarked member assigned to support a national army unit on the front line? There is usually a lot of questions/conflicts that come up when there is a mixed PC party of soldiers and dragonmarked heirs when running a Last War scene. Clearly a PC can break the rules/norm, but it will be good to understand the “company-line” as there are a lot of interest conflicting scenarios that can arise in the heat of battle.

Kristian answers with an extra tidbit passed along from Keith.

Pre-war Cyre – Keith

Ian asks:

Can you please talk about your personal inspirations for the Pre-War government and everyday life of Cyre? The Day of Mourning is such a great inspiration for PCs, but its hard to give them guidance on character histories or frame NPC motivations. Could you specifically touch on some of the royal government, military or spy organizations?

Keith shares his response.

Involvement of Dragonmarked Houses in the Last War – Kristian

Gonzalo Campoverde Arce asks:

Please include some minutes to talk about how the Dragonmarked Houses (beyond Cannith, Deneith and Jorasco) were involved in the Last War.

Kristian offers some ideas on how those other Dragonmarked Houses would have profited from their abilities and related services during the Last War.